Een onvergetelijke kerst

Morgen ga ik voorgoed
afscheid nemen van mijn zus
waardoor ik ineens besef
dat de decembermaand
zoals voor velen
voor de rest van mijn leven
getekend is
door herinneringen
die gaan komen

9 Reacties op “Een onvergetelijke kerst

  1. Elisabeth, I am so touched and impressed with your sincerity,directness and simplicity in your writing. Today I read about your sister, and your emotional week in Holland with your family. I am so sorry to hear about her life,struggle, and illness, and I wish you the strength you need to understand and continue on while not living nearby. I lived in Holland almost 9 years and experienced an intense distance /loss at times and was driven to my pen and paper to write and send off (to be received a week later in US) but often what happened, not satisfied with what I wrote, it never got the (postage) stamp- of -approval and that satisfying” thud “sound of the mailbox floor. Most times I have to read what you’ve written 2 times over due to my rather rusty memory of the Dutch language that I never fully learned as well as I should have but enjoy the challenge (probably because the language itself brings with it many unexpected memories …) I have fantasies of visiting you someday in Spain with my son, and also perhaps to show him Amsterdam and ride bikes with him on a narrow, cobbled, side street in the grey dutch mist, and to see Jose Salvador once again. I have not always had an easy time living with capitalism in this country, but will continue to save my pennies with dreams of doing this one day.

    All the best to you, Lies, You are such a talented writer AND photographer and I have enjoyed reading your entries for quite sometime now, and I thank you.

    Ox Ellen

    Sent from my iPhone

    • Dearest Ellen, thank you so much for your sweet words and how I’d wish to see you again one day, perhaps even visiting you with my son in your ‘capitalist’ country!
      We share amazing and unique memories of a very important time in our lifes. This will never be forgotten..
      So be in touch and you know that ‘paths that cross, will cross again’ 🙂
      Lots of love xL

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